Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 2 of challenge!

Ok I admit wasn't the best day. I was such a bum!! I was supposed to go shopping, but I'll have to do it tomorrow! I'm thinking that I am going to really "start" my challenge tomorrow, because the past couple days have been strange/lazy days. I feel like there is some unseen force working on me that wants me to fail, and I won't let it win.

Well, I went online to research what might have triggered my panic attack yesterday, and I got a little freaked out about vitamin B12. A deficiency can trigger those symptoms, however, I really, honestly doubt that I have a B12 deficiency, especially since I've only been eating raw for a month, lol. Still, I have decided that the healthiest way to go about getting enough B12 is probably to supplement, so I'll have to check that out when I go to Good Earth next.

So the other day I had some tomato soup (not raw), and I forgot how much I love it! So today I searched to see if there were any decent raw substitutes, and I found this video on YouTube. Sounds sooo good I can't wait to try it!

Also....omigosh, I had to post this picture of Alissa Cohen's raw chocolate cake. I have this strange habit of staying up late to look at pictures of raw food. Obsessed much ya think?!!