Monday, September 22, 2008

More boring blather...

So this past week has been another hectic one, and I'm sad to say filled with lots of cheating on bad foods (chicken sandwich, fries, burger, cheesecake..). What I'm happy about though, is that I have only eaten bad food lately because of necessity (meaning there was no other food), not because I really wanted the food. In fact, I went to a BBQ yesterday and ate a hamburger, but what tasted the best to me was the veggies I put on it, and the veggie salad that I had on the side. Weird. In fact, earlier in the week I was eating some french fries from the BK lounge, and I realized that I didn't even really enjoy the taste, but I was just eating them out of habit, almost like subconsciously I was thinking that I need to eat them because they "go with" a chicken sandwich. In actuality I would have much rather eaten a bowl of pineapple instead. Now that is really something that tastes good. Speaking of pineapple, I ate an entire one today. I really don't recommend that though, considering my mouth hurt for hours...ah the acid, it tastes like, burning!

Anyways, so after a week of eating much too much junk I find that I am craving healthy foods. This leads me to believe that my body is starting to recognize what it really needs to be healthy. Sometimes I lay awake at night just thinking of creations that I can make...

So there is an Asian food market by my house and I thought I'd check it out. I hope I can find bean sprouts there. Also, they probably don't but I wonder if they have durian? I really want to try that stuff, just to see what all the fuss is about. The very fact that durians exist just proves to me that nature has a sense of humor. I mean, it's supposedly the most delicious fruit on the planet (the "king of fruit"), tasting like vanilla pudding or some such, but the fruit is covered in huge sharp spikes, and supposedly smells like really bad feet. I wonder who the first person to eat one was, and did he stumble upon it by accident? Well enough about smelly fruits, I will try to share some new recipes soon. Adios for now!


Anonymous said...

I had a friend who tried durian and he threw up because it tasted so bad. I hope you have a better experience.

I went out of town last weekend to Yellowstone. I brought a TON of healthy stuff to eat with me, but when dinner hit the town is so small there aren't many healthy choices.

The menu I was looking at had a whole wheat spaghetti broccoli salad. But hey, I'm on vacation so I'm going to CHOW down. So I ordered a personal size pizza and justified it with "I never eat pizza anymore... so it's okay this once."

I swear on my life, the only part of it I enjoyed was the spinach. I left the place thinking about making myself throw up because I felt so completely gross. I kept thinking "I should have gotten the broccoli salad..."

I really do think your body just changes. For me, I really like the "full" feeling I get from veggies, fruits and whole grains. When I eat hamburger, pizza, chips and etc I feel sick to my stomach. A few months ago if I ate anything with any grease at all I would throw up because my stomach would just be that upset.

Your body knows what's good for it. I think we are just re-learning how to listen to it. Falling off the path is not bad since we are learning from it.


- Sarah

Bec, Tim and Boys said...

Let me know how the fruit tastes if you find it! I have never heard of it before! Your posts are not boring to me - I actually find them fascinating and I love reading them! I'm getting a peek in to your life that I never knew existed! :) I love it!

Rachael said...

Thanks guys, I feel better knowing that it's ok if I fall off the wagon once in awhile, as long as I get back on! As for the durian, I didn't find one there, but they did have bean sprouts, lol. Maybe someday I'll special order one...hopefully I won't barf after eating it, lol.